Comparing Two Naive Bayes Algorithms for Text Classification: Gaussian NB vs. Multinomial NB

August 25, 2021


Naive Bayes is a popular machine learning algorithm for text classification tasks. It is based on Bayes' theorem and the assumption of independence between the features. Naive Bayes algorithms come in several forms, including Gaussian (for continuous data) and Multinomial (for discrete data). In this article, we compare these two Naive Bayes algorithms for text classification.

Gaussian Naive Bayes

Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB) is a variant of Naive Bayes that assumes the features follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution. This algorithm is well-suited for continuous data, such as numeric values. In text classification tasks, GNB can be used to classify documents based on word frequency or other continuous features.

For example, let's consider a binary classification problem where we want to classify emails as spam or not spam. We can represent each email as a vector of word frequencies. The GNB algorithm will assume that the word frequencies follow a normal distribution, and will use this assumption to compute the probability of each class given the word frequencies.

Multinomial Naive Bayes

Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) is another variant of Naive Bayes that is well-suited for discrete data, such as word counts or other frequency-based features. In text classification, MNB is often used to classify documents based on the frequency of individual words or n-grams.

Again consider the email spam classification problem. Instead of representing each email as a vector of word frequencies, we can represent it as a vector of word counts. The MNB algorithm will assume a multinomial distribution of the word counts, and will use this assumption to compute the probability of each class given the word counts.


Both GNB and MNB are popular algorithms for text classification, and have their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Speed: In general, MNB tends to be faster than GNB, since it deals with discrete data instead of continuous data.
  • Robustness: GNB is more robust to outliers than MNB, since it assumes a normal distribution for the features.
  • Accuracy: The choice between GNB and MNB depends on the specific task and dataset. In some cases, GNB may perform better than MNB, while in other cases MNB may perform better.


In conclusion, both Gaussian Naive Bayes and Multinomial Naive Bayes are popular algorithms for text classification tasks. While the choice between the two algorithms depends on the specific task and dataset, we can generally say that MNB is faster while GNB is more robust to outliers. Ultimately, the choice of algorithm should depend on a careful evaluation of the data and the problem at hand.


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  2. Karim, S., Raza, K., & Sultan, M. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Naive Bayes Algorithm Variants for Text Classification. Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, 32(4), 382-389.

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